Myths about Hypnosis - Ailsa Frank Hypnotherapy

Myths about Hypnosis

Many people have come across hypnosis in their lives. We sometimes see television programs featuring members of an audience under 'hypnosis' and laugh at their strange and unexplainable behavior. It is this distorted media perception of hypnosis that has very much misinformed people about the positive purpose and power hypnosis can have. There are lots of mistaken beliefs about hypnosis, which over the years has created many myths in people's minds.

The facts are that hypnosis does not allow a hypnotherapist to control the subject's mind, nor does hypnosis cause the subject to fall asleep. Many believe hypnosis can cause the subject to forget what has happened which is not the case. As well, hypnosis does not make people do things against their will.

It is these beliefs that have created a somewhat distorted idea of what hypnosis is, and for what purposes it is used for. Hypnosis is an altered state of consciousness, please note I say consciousness and not sub consciousness. Many describe hypnosis correctly, as a normal state of focused attention, when your senses are heightened from the everyday life that we lead. The relaxation and calm experienced during hypnosis should not be mistaken for being out of control and 'under the spell' of a hypnotherapist. This is far from the truth. Hypnosis is a natural mental state simply allowing the mind to open to suggestion, suggestion that we wouldn't otherwise be open to. It is this frame of mind during hypnosis that allows the subject to change their thoughts, feelings, behavior and attitudes.

People can take these changes that happen during hypnosis and use them for self-improvement in their usual everyday state of consciousness. Hypnosis can help reduce stress, anxiety, control pain, break bad habits and strengthen self control. Hypnosis used the correct way, in the way it was intended can achieve life changing results.